Mitsubishi Transfer Case to Tera Low231 NP231 ...
Update: June 30, 2008 Well, the doubler WAS finished until I decided to put in a drain plug.:-) I couldn't find a really low profile drain plug with a good magnet and an o-ring anywhere so I ordered a 'replacement' for the bottom plug on my new ARB differential covers. That should work perfectly. Now, I just have to find my 18x1.5mm tap....:-)
The 'stub' shaft the goes between the transmission and doubler is pretty much finished. That came back from the heat treaters last week. The heat treaters used a salt bath and hardened it to about 41-42 Rockwell. The same hardness as the shaft that comes in the doubler kit from D&D Machine. We intentionally left it about 1/4" or so long so that once the adapter is assembled - hopefully this week - we can cut the shaft down to the optimum length. I'm still toying with the idea of turning the main section down a 1/16 or so to reduce the overall weight of the shaft a bit more, but I haven't decided yet.
The adapter piece is to the point of being assembled. Unfortunately, everyone has been swamped the last couple weeks and I was in Moab for a week so basically nothing progressed. I did finally remember to bring the locating dowel for the adapter to the tailshaft housing last Saturday. That was the last outstanding missing part that the shop needed to finish the project. I think.:-)
After spending a week in Moab and the surounding area with a half dead t-case I'm more than ready for this project to be finished.